If I run a text classification model with distilbert using:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m experiments.centralized.transformer_exps.main_tc \
--dataset ${DATA_NAME} \
Development of android FL client to further enhance the simulation of FL on mobile devices
## Approach
- Use of [chaquo](https://chaquo.com/chaquopy/) to adapt the current Python code base to An…
When I run the fedgkt algorithm by the following cmd.
sh run_FedGKT.sh 8 cifar10 homo 10 20 1 Adam 0.001 1 0 resnet56 fedml_resnet56_homo_cifar10 "./../../../data/cifar10" 64
The processes are oft…
Hello authors,
I'm currently implementing your work on text classification on 20news dataset. I'm using single Nvidia A6000 for this task with FedOPT algorithm, total client 50 and 2 clients per ro…
Although MPI may be sufficient for research purposes, we need a generic communication protocol for demonstration. This may be relevant: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/rpc.html
I'm trying to follow the classification experiments:
From this link: https://github.com/FedML-AI/FedGraphNN/tree/main/experiments/distributed/moleculenet
This command results in the error:
sh run_…
After running this: !python experiments/centralized/moleculenet/molecule_classification_multilabel.py
Getting this Error Message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "experiments/centrali…
I am trying to run the centralised experiments from this link: https://github.com/FedML-AI/FedIoT/tree/main/experiments/centralized
Executing the following files:
run_ae_cen_glb_test.sh and
I want to test run_fedavg_standalone_pytorch.sh, however, print : invalid int value: 'hetero'
hetero 代表什么,我可以去哪个文件夹查看这个参数的含义? thanks