First, thank you for porting BusyBox to Windows. It's a great lightweight replacement to MSYS2. BusyBox has become my new favorite shell, replacing the venerable *cmd.exe*.
Second, sorry for using …
Please report bugs for the Synology DSM hook here. Remember to include debug logs
acme.sh --deploy --deploy-hook synology_dsm ..... --debug 2
### Describe the feature request
### Describe alternatives you've considered
_No response_
### Affected area
- [ ] Docs
- [ ] Installation
- [ ] Performance and Scalability
- [ ]…
### Describe the feature request
serverAddr = "" #假设我的ip
serverPort = 7000
name = "web"
type = "http"
localPort = 3333
customDomains = [""]
### Describe the feature request
之前旧版386的在iOS上的Linux模拟器 iSH 上可以用,这个模拟器运行的就是386可执行文件。但是今天去 https://github.com/fatedier/frp/releases 里发现最近几个版本没有386的可以下载了,是新版用了什么新特性不支持386了吗?
### Describe alternatives …
mlkt updated
11 months ago
### Describe the feature request
frp 服务端 是否能解析 frpc客户端 传来的流量,这里的解析指的是,将这些流量解析成明文,主要是针对市面上一些免费的 frpc 代理产生了安全性的顾虑
### Describe alternatives you've considered
不使用免费的 frpc
### Affected area
- [ ] Doc…
### Describe the feature request
1. 在C中设定 **http** 代理,配置如下,此时通过A访问时,B和C之间的连接是否加密
### p2p下访问samba怎么正确配置
- frp --verison 0.52.3
- 前提:已经配置过xtcp下ssh 端口转发访问被访问端,且被访问端的web端都能访问,一切正常
- 现在是需要访问文件服务器linux上安装的samba4
## 被访问端是linux:
serverAddr = "x.x.x.x"
serverPort = 11111
### Describe the feature request
### Describe alternatives you've considered
_No response_
### Affected area
- [ ] Docs
- [ ] Installation
- [ ] Perfo…
### Describe the feature request
這種期望是因爲我在Internet上有兩個服務器A 和 B,我使用frp讓A來代理提供B上的服務以便隱藏B的真實IP(或者B沒有獨立的公網IP)。但是當啓用tcp復用或者單個tcp流量(A B 之間…