Trying to implement Alexa on ESP32 Vaquita DSPG and using branch feature/aia-beta
Followed instructions on the below link:-
@mamund kindly shared this snapshot of hypermedia formats described in the "RESTful Web APIs" book: https://twitter.com/mamund/status/632323288392421376
it lists: HTML, HAL, Siren, The Link Header, Th…
Hi there,
I stumbled upon this issue while developing some specs for my project. I wanted to _mock_ a `HalClient::Representation` by providing the `parsed_json` option to the constructor.
If t…
Thanks for the great work!
As said in README, "The annotations for each sample consists of a list of segments, containing start and end indices, with a string representing the spanned text, and a _*…
First start.
Log from console:
shark_tank local cache is located at C:\Users\Daniil\.local/shark_tank/ . You may change this by setting the --local_tank_cache= flag
gradio temporary image cache…
**API Platform version(s) affected**: 3.1.4
$ composer show | grep api
api-platform/core v3.1.4
**PHP version**: 8.2.3
`SchemaFactory` throws …
While perusing the [Open Supporter Data Interface standard](http://opensupporter.github.io/osdi-docs/), I learned how they deal with a federated data standard - that is, how they deal with different t…
**[daniel carter](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=dantheperson)** opened **[DATAREST-412](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-412?redirect=false)** and commented
This Issue rel…
I've been tinkering around with the ember data 1.13.8, the ember-data-hal-9000 and ember-data.model-fragments plugins, and I was a bit surprised to see the following data in a PATCH when I saved my mo…
### Issue Summary:
Observed SQS bootstrap log messages despite having externally-managed SQS/SNS configured in `~/.hal/default/profiles/echo-local.yml`.
### Cloud Provider(s):
### Envi…