faces, landmarks = detector.detect(img, 0.9)
/RetinaFace-tf2/src/retinafacetf2/networks/network_utils.py in load_weights(weight_file)
---> 16 weights_dict = np.load(weight_file, allow…
Hi Filip,
I am new to these datasets and hence the confusion. Usually we have training data with landmark ids , their GT (positive samples) and then separate query images and corresponding positive s…
Hi, I'm trying to use mediapipe from .net to estimate human body poses from images. Here's the python code:
import numpy as np
import mediapipe as mp
pose = mp.solutions.pose.Pose()
Before you open an issue, please make sure you have tried the following steps:
1. Make sure your **environment** is the same with (https://mace.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/env_requirement…
I really appreicate your efforts on this outstanding face detector. And I am trying to train my own detector on other kind of objects, but I am a little bit confused of the input label format of …
We provided [`run_example.py`](https://github.com/patrikhuber/fg2018-competition/blob/master/run_example.py) but it might not be clear enough (see e.g. #2) how to run the evaluation on the whole datas…
Hello, thank you for your work. Is it possible to train the model with additional custom data, where not all the points have Ground Truth positions? For example, I want to train for 68 landmarks, bu…
# Axe-core® Accessibility Results for /en-US/advertising/
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## axe-core found 5 violations
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In ./datasets/CASIA_CK+_data_gen.py file:
you set the dimension of sample_numpy is 4, then through some concat operations, I did not see where the dimension could be changed. But in data_normalizatio…