When ‖ is scaled to accommodate a subscripted letter, it looks too tall, compared to the angle brackets ⟨ and ⟩.
The following document, compiled with `latexmk -pdflua`, produces the following outp…
mdeff updated
2 years ago
- [ ] MiKTeX: Strauman/latex-docker#1
- [x] LuaTeX: Strauman/latex-docker#2
- [x] XeLaTeX: Strauman/latex-docker#3
$ git clone https://github.com/ReScience/template
$ make
=== TeX engine is 'XeTeX'
Latexmk: References changed.
Latexmk: Missing bbl file 'article.bbl' in followin…
安装的texlive,ubuntu16.04,使用vscode+LaTeX Workshop,报错信息如下
Running 'bibtex "thesis"'
Latexmk: applying rule 'bibtex thesis'...
For rule 'bibtex thesis', running '&run_bibt…
Here's my SVG drawing:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
I include it in my LaTeX document using the `svg` package as follows:
* I have written [a Lua filter](https://gist.github.com/rauschma/bfacbe6f2e8461b4a62c0cc1a288188e) that supports indices for LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, and other formats.
* Warning: I have never written Lu…
According to the README,
> The previous version was built primarily for people using R, Sweave, and LaTeX. Therefore, this version is created for people who need a straight-forward LaTeX template for…
Module: File::Copy
When `File::Copy::copy` returns 0 (error) due to identical files, it does not set `$!`.
**Steps to Reproduce**
`perl -MFile::Copy -e '$! = 0; File::Copy::cop…
There may be a problem with how **podman** interprets the `--user` argument to `docker run`. The tempdir being mapped in (as in _/tmp/publish-kBywA9_ or whatever) isn't readable by the child docker pr…
The first example in the [quick start section](https://github.com/JuliaPlots/MakieTeX.jl#quick-start),
using Makie, MakieTeX
using CairoMakie # or whichever other backend
fig = Figure(); …