First of all, thank you for the amazing plugin! It's pretty useful and awesome!
As a multi-device user, I used to have a Windows PC. Now, I have a MacBook for daily work and an Ubuntu Linux PC for …
It was always intended as a version, but cpanm is currently treating it as a boolean, which is not future-compatible at all.
For prior art, see [Photon typography guidelines](https://design.firefox.com/photon/visuals/typography.html).
It would be great to have typography guidelines that are specific to the DevTools, to m…
fvsch updated
5 years ago
문제 설명정수 배열 arr과 정수 n이 매개변수로 주어집니다. arr의 길이가 홀수라면 arr의 모든 짝수 인덱스 위치에 n을 더한 배열을, arr의 길이가 짝수라면 arr의 모든 홀수 인덱스 위치에 n을 더한 배열을 return 하는 solution 함수를 작성해 주세요.제한사항1 ≤ arr의 길이 ≤ 1,0001 ≤ arr의 원소 ≤ 1,0001…
以下主要是 macOS 中自带的字体.
💔与部分汉字重合, 导致汉字字体分裂
💔与部分汉字重合, 导致汉字字体分裂
PT Mono
Making an Issue first since I'd like to ~~bikeshed~~ gather opinions on where in the stack to put it.
As of this writing, the `--nc-font-mono` stack is this:
--nc-font-mono: Consolas, mo…
**URL**: https://treasuregreen.com/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 114.0
**Operating System**: Mac OS X 10.15
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
**Problem type**: Something else
I tried with `t.fontSans`, `t.fontSerif`, `t.fontMono`, they show the same font. Also tried to add a custom font, as described [here](https://tvke.github.io/react-native-tailwindcss/typography/font-fa…
This happens no matter what the file extension is.
1. My VSCode `settings.json` (h…
Steps to reproduce:
1. Use a font such as "Courier" which is missing some glyphs.
:set guifont=Menlo:h14
2. Add a glyph to 'listchars' that is missing in 'guifont'. For example, on Mac