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[This page](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/api-reference/search/) says that "plugin authors can add an ``ext`` …
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I wanna train new style model
run this cmd
!unzip trai…
- https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.14545
- 2021 CVPR
e4exp updated
3 years ago
Greetings, Chao,
Your recent works on using CNN to enhance MoHex 2.0 and to guide proof search are really interesting! Solving Go hasn't made progress for nearly 10 years, and I wonder if we can do…
In section 4.1 of the paper “FBNetv5:Neural Architecture Search for Multiple Tasks in One Run”, I noticed this sentence "We implement the search process and target task's training pipeline in D2GO pow…
# ablation studies of gates
- Chung, Junyoung, et al. "Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural networks on sequence modeling." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3555 (2014).
- Greff, Klaus, et al. "LST…
It would be really nice to have some sort of (maybe even optional) confidence scores for text recognition output.
It seems that information is already present in the lower-level libraries so it wou…
## Work to Replicate
Gal, Y., McAllister, R. and Rasmussen, C.E., 2016, April. Improving PILCO with Bayesian neural network dynamics models. In Data-Efficient Machine Learning workshop, ICML.
I have a question in the paper(Real-Time Grasp Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks).
In the table I , what's the rectangle metric detection accuracy? and how to compute the value?
This is a feature request. I'd like an option to return latent feature activation maps in the JSON returned by the analysis engine. This only applies to the evaluation of the root position, not any of…