I'm creating an NSOutlineView populated by objects saved on Realm. The object is called `Person`. And this is how it looks:
``` objc
@interface Person : RLMObject
@property NSString *name;
6149 illegal hardware instruction /Applications/Compute\ Manager.app/Contents/MacOS/Compute\ Manager
Saving session...completed.
I've been testing Realm for a couple of days now and it seems that I've managed to corrupt the database somehow. If I run my project in simulator it looks like the first access to database cau…
The AU plugin crashed immediately on load in Reaper on macOS. VSTi works fine.
VASTVaporizer2 Crash File
JuceVersion: JUCE v7.0.8
I have some relatively complicated UI's that are currently created using HTML and a `hs.webview`, however it would be awesome if I could use `hs._asm.guitk` instead.
Is adding `NSTableView` support…
### Steps to Reproduce
I have the following reference swift code and I'm trying to implement the same thing in xamain.mac.
class MyTableView : NSTableView {
override fun…
### What is the issue?
I changed tab, and hit a crash.
Thread 1 Queue : com.apple.main-thread (serial)
#0 0x000000018aa01a68 in objc_exception_throw ()
#1 0x000000018afc13bc in -[NSObject(N…
I am looking to port a java application to nappgui, but the main part of the program has a table that has editable elements. I was wondering the status / progress of the TableView code and what…
Scrolling with the touchpad is incredibly slow, and scrolling by picking up the scrollbar is very glitchy. Scrolling with a mouse works fine though.
$ ./Contents/MacOS/swiftsky
2023-09-27 11:17:38.515 swiftsky[10503:398595] *** Assertion failure in -[SwiftUI.ListCoreTableView _safeSendDelegateHeightOfRow:], NSTableView.m:1754