**System.ArgumentNullException is raised when receiving batch requests due to VirtualPathRoot is null in owin self-hosted environment**
### Reproduce steps
Create a Owin Self-Hosted WebApi Appl…
Tested in Jaydata 1.5.10.
When have an entity with a decimal value and want to store that to the database (Post or Patch, doesn't matter), there is an error about a wrong format.
I looked into thi…
Hi Scott,
I want to use the DataContactJsonSerializer from within CRM Plugin, where I need to serialize a payload from a web service that exposes OData V4. I am having difficulty serializing the p…
Would like to request adding support for the four temporal query options defined in the OData Extension for Temporal Data ($at, $from, $to, and $toInclusive). Ideally support for these could be imple…
*Queries with projection of some part that only includes navigation properties will produce a request with only $expand forcing the server to return all primitive and complex properties even thoug…
Currently the Identifier is always enclosed in single quotes if it is a String, and not if it is a number.
Relevant lines:
Place holder
Mens vi har jobbet med OData støtte i nikita så har vi fundert over følgende OData spørring:
..api/arkivstruktur/mappe/?$filter=nasjonalidentifikator/any(i: i/Default.BygningType/byggidentifik…
Hi guys, I am encountering three unique errors that all relate to GeographyPoint conversions. Below are the stack traces.
With this error I feel that in TypeConverter.Convert, the converter associa…
It seem that $inlinecount is supported, but using it the query does not return any data. still investigating, but it seem that $inlinecount is managed like $count that does not return anything but a n…