go get github.com/lukeroth/gdal
# github.com/lukeroth/gdal
../go/pkg/mod/github.com/lukeroth/gdal@v0.0.0-20210310154358-b66f07d1a621/ogr.go:1278:55: cannot use _cgo3 (type *_Ctype_uchar) as type u…
Opening an ods-file in Qgis 3.34 forced a phyton runtime error:
RuntimeError: Invalid value for number-rows-repeated = 1048565 May be caused by: Invalid value for number-rows-repeated = 1048560
If a user...
1. selects a feature (highway=path)
2. switches the schema to a non-ogr (TSDv41)
3. selects the preset to get the drop-down of presets and selects a different preset (road, AP013)
When setting the parameter
the return from a GetFeatureInfo with output text/gml on a line dataset should be always multilinestring.
Instead sometime the re…
### Description
Right now if you try to run `--skip-split-multis` on the ogr process in the benchmark command it will return a table of super fast responses. This is because the operations isn't …
Hi @lmotta , I have a problem because it does not generate the footprints of the images, only the boxes generals.
I have the version of qgis 3.16.16-Hannover
QGIS code revision f5778a89
Currently not all of the C Geometry API is wrapped, so users will need to go to `gdal-sys` and raw unsafe C calls from time to time. This is fine, wrapping all of GDAL is a huge undertaking. So right …
Allow to load dbf files?
Problem: what utility to use to transform dbf to csv?
One possibility: using OGR:
`ogr2ogr -lco ENCODING="DOS/OS2-437/US" -f CSV varmod.csv varmod.dbf`
(thx to @ThomasG77 f…
See for instance this https://github.com/packit-service/ogr
### What is the bug or the crash?
I'm editing a line layer (Toggle editing and then either Vertex tool or Add line feature) and sometimes when I press Toggle editing again to save the changes, the li…