We will be using a microcontroller to process our input data. We may use Konstantin's Jetson Nano board. OpenCV's C++ library will need to be installed on this device. Note that OpenCV installation ma…
hello dear friend
special tanks for Ur great source code for Ar.drone.2 in C++ .
its very useful work, specially for whom he want to use another library with ardrone sdk.
i tested this code wit…
in win10x64 vs2017 I try to debug RLOFLib\RLOFSample\built\RLOFApp opencv3.4.1
use the lib like below,but get an error no zlib.dll. then i add zlib.dll zlibd.dll zlib.lib zlibd.lib to RLOFLib\lib
input connector 's resize is done only on CPU, and takes more time then inference on many GPU enabled platforms.
When available, cv::resize should be replaced by cv::cuda::resize of cv::gpu::resi…
Dear Sirs,
I installed OpenCV3 and I am running Lazarus 1.7, FPC3 in Jessie. I took your demo from the network to learn about how to use pascal and OpenCV. After fix some problems and pass the comp…
Thanks a lot for packaging OpenCV, I appreciate your work very much!
My problem is that cuda accelerated parts of OpenCV, namely cudaarithm, cudabgsegm, cudacodec, cudafeatures2d, cudafilters, cuda…
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/opencv-3.4.1/build/installed/lib/pkgconfig
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/opencv-3.4.1/build/installed/li…
平台:Win10 + OpenCV4.1.0+Python 3.7
`Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gesture-recognition-master0809/gesture-recognition-master/m…
Ubuntu 16.04
opencv 3.1
when i compile caffe, it has conflict about libopencv
i have edit Makefile.config
CXX/LD -o .build_release/tools/caffe.bin
CXX/LD -o .build_release/examples/cifar10/convert…
Hello, I encountered a problem in the compilation process like this
/VisualServoing-master/src/aruco_detect/src/aruco_detect.cpp:259:26: error: ‘struct cv::aruco::DetectorParameters’ has no member na…