Clean install from git, on fresh Arch Linux; /usr/bin/python -> python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/sonata", line 5, in
from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
quite updated
11 years ago
Some entries in my MPD library seem to cause a UnicodeDecodeError. I'm using Python3.
``` python
import mpd
client = mpd.MPDClient()
client.connect("localhost", 6600)
## In [10]: c.priorid(200, '24')
CommandError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/honey/ in ()
----> 1 c.priorid(200, '24')
Hi Mic92,
I got a problem using python-mpd2 version 0.4.2.
I'm running:
Python 2.7.3,
mpd 0.16.8,
Windows 7 professional SP1 ( English Edition)
The problem i got is the playlist **ren…