I keep getting the following error message randomly when using webdataset with gsutil cat. I have num_workers=4 in the dataloader, so it seems unlikely to be too many requests. Any suggestions? It …
Folowing the tutorial from the notebook https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx/blob/master/tutorials/ConvertingSSDMobilenetToONNX.ipynb I am trying to work with a mobilenetv2 and v3 frozen models fro…
Is the 4090 fully supported in SD?
I am getting the same performance with the 4090 that my 3070 was getting.
I want to run [sft](https://github.com/huggingface/peft/tree/main/examples/sft) example and I get some erros, Can you help me to find the problem?
I run [run_peft_fsdp.sh](https://github.com/huggin…
Thank you for making PyBind11!
I have a relatively complex ("externally given") class with a funny ownership model, so things can go missing while Python has a reference. To wrap it in Python safel…
### Prerequisite
- [X] I have searched [Issues](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmagic/issues) and [Discussions](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmagic/discussions) but cannot get the expected help.
- [X…
Just putting some suggestions out there. Maybe we could organize these into [projects](https://github.com/dlib-users/darknet/projects).
- [x] support scaled yolov4
- [x] support yolov5 models
How about supporting ONNX in frugally? You could have a protobuf importer for ONNX models or add a tool which converts ONNX to the JSON format you use? Just a thought. A header only ONNX inference eng…
### Description of the bug:
I am trying to covert an PyTorch to TFLite which uses `torch.argmax(..).indicies` and `torch.gather(..`) - hence creating `LongTensor`s (Int64). As my targeted r…
Is it working right now in any way?