Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…
### Desktop (please complete the following information):
I needed to use meter in a child window, and the program threw an error, which I assumed was due to a default conflict
### Describe the bug
gtgor updated
3 months ago
All colors are cast to RGBX in `recordframe!`, when that ideally should not be the case. We could also use an input pixfmt of `argb` or something instead of `yuv420`.
Is the constraint of being …
> const { default: chroma } = await import("chroma-js");
> chroma("rgb(127 0 255)").hex()
'#7f00ff' # ok
> chroma("rgb(-1000 0 255)").hex()
'#0000ff' # silently converted my invali…
Fading out to zero should end with a "white" RGB value.
when boblight fades out to #000000, it looks strange when the color was white
in general, but due to the fade out red / blue / green may b…