Reporting against Rubinius v2.4.1, on OSX 10.10.1
As seen here: https://travis-ci.org/thoughtbot/cocaine/jobs/44228247, using rbx-2.4.1
The important part is that the test is supposed to show that r…
The following code appears to cause an infinite loop in JRuby 1.7.17 (OpenBSD) and 1.7.6 (Windows):
``` ruby
def a
c = Class.new
c2 = Class.new
c.const_set(:A, c2)
c2.const_set(:A, c)
`foo = ''; foo['bar'] ? true : false` is returning true when it should be false. version 0.7.1.
@elia moved to opal (from https://github.com/opal/opal-jquery/issues/68).
This is best explained with an example ([try opal](http://opalrb.org/try/?code:s%20%3D%20%22hello%22%0Ap%20s.object_id%0Ap%20s.object_id%0Ap%20s.object_id%0A%0Ai%20%3D%20420%0Ap%20i.object_id%0Ap%20i.…
`jruby -e 'Dir.chdir("..");p File.expand_path(".");p java.io.File.new("").absolute_path;p java.lang.System.get_property("user.dir")'`
Test Code
``` ruby
require 'open3'
require 'pp'
ENV.keys.collect { |k| ENV.delete(k) }
result = Open3.popen3({'A' => 'B', 'C' => 'D'}, '/usr/bin/env') do |i, out, err, thr|
output = Thread.new { o…
`"\xc3".force_encoding('ascii-8bit').encode('utf-8')` should raise:
`Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8`
However, in @tychobrailleur 's 0b8d74b95580b97ddf034eb4d17cc2…
It appears as if variables in expressions are evaluated at a later stage in jruby-head than in MRI and JRuby 1.7.19, as shown in the example below.
$ rvm jruby-head,jruby-1.7.19,2.2.0 do ruby -e …
Result: https://gist.github.com/johnmuhl/5158e0e4a9418bcfb53e
mkdir 'dir!'
touch 'dir!/100% fun.txt'
jruby -e 'Dir.glob("dir!/**/*")'
jruby -v
jruby (1.9.3p392) 2014-10-28 4e93f…
ghost updated
10 years ago
On MRI and JRuby, given a method that accepts an optional argument and a catch all keyword argument, only hash values with symbol keys should be captured as keyword argument:
``` ruby
def self.exampl…