This problem is similar to #61.
The sRGB standard states that the reference display is assumed to have pure 2.2 gamma (pure power law). But the current implementation of sRGB->bt709 (transfer_chara…
Hello, I am new to DirectX and shader programming, and I am trying to understand the principles behind your SuperDepth3D implementation. Do you have any documentation explaining the implementation of …
Hey Mark, recently found this sepia shader to add more effects.. just the frag, use `default.vert.glsl` same as greyscale..
// https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3slfDl
varying vec4 vertColor;
It's a bit of a long title and I apologize but I'm encountering an issue where the screen flickers black when mousing over menus within dune3d on Windows. This is a fresh compile from MSYS2-MINGW64 on…
Hello @ssloy ,
Thank you so much for this course! It has really got me interested in software rendering techniques. The content has a very nice balance between conceptual and practical. I've follow…
primary equation is:
rho = A + B * cos (C * phi) * cos (D * theta)
-= spherical coordinates and animated values of A, B, C, and D. You can also think about add…
- [x] webpack.config.js を dev と prod に分離
- [x] アニメーション部分の整理
- [x] pnginator.rb を検証
- [x] uniformsをshadertoyに一致させる
- [x] TypeScriptにする
- [x] クラス化
- [x] ShaderPlayer のコンストラクタで config としてシェーダーを渡す
szkjn updated
9 months ago
Is there a plan to include filled polygons in the future?
I'm a webdev learning from the book for two days now, and i've been absolutly amazed how this little tool developped by @patriciogonzalezvivo is so dope, much more straight forward than ShaderToy, and…