SLF4J is the next generation logging framework replacing commons logging and
simplifies the complicated class loading used by commons logging(which normal
breaks in Websphere). You can use a bri…
The pom-file declares dependency on the slf4j logback binding. This can be problematic when using the toolkit as a java library. Suggestion: make a build profile for the conversion tool and define the…
Proposal for a new check which flags this up as wrong:
} catch (SomeException e) {
but this is, typically, what you want people to do instead of course:
PROBLEM: I received the parallel bindings error in SLF4j and i tried following the Blog (https://www.baeldung.com/slf4j-classpath-multiple-bindings) but still the error is seen.
After I added easyfxml dependency and I used some EasyFXML classes inside my project when I try build project I get error "module not found: slf4j.api".
I have the following dependencies for…
SLF4J is the next generation logging framework replacing commons logging and
simplifies the complicated class loading used by commons logging(which normal
breaks in Websphere). You can use a bri…
It is much better to use slf4j than commons logging. It is possible for
everyone to stick to their chosen implementation. As most frameworks use slf4j
it is quite a hassle to work around commons…
SLF4J is the next generation logging framework replacing commons logging and
simplifies the complicated class loading used by commons logging(which normal
breaks in Websphere). You can use a bri…
It is much better to use slf4j than commons logging. It is possible for
everyone to stick to their chosen implementation. As most frameworks use slf4j
it is quite a hassle to work around commons…
SLF4J is the next generation logging framework replacing commons logging and
simplifies the complicated class loading used by commons logging(which normal
breaks in Websphere). You can use a bri…