I am trying to send multiple photos at once but the execute method doesn't accept a sendMediaGroup object? I have seen it used sparingly online but I am not able to reproduce. Am I not using the api c…
It confuses people more than help them.
Nobody ever wants to send a nameless file without an extension defining the type.
Additionally, you could make the fileName parameter mandatory (no defaul…
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community](https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/F12-on-C-extension-method-partial-clas/10152882)._
## Original title: F12 on C# exten…
After `5.7.0` version, isn't possible to implement `tgbots-module` on `build.gradle` > `dependencies{}` anymore.
:hakalle:test: Could not find com.annimon:tgbots-module:6.1.0.
Required by:
Could you please help me to understand why I can't send this video to telegram?
Link to video: https://v.redd.it/0w3soe17hve91/DASH_1080.mp4
**My code**
SendVideo sendVideo = S…
in v.18 remove resizeKeyboard in ReplyKeyboardMarkup.
please add this property
You should research already implemented Telegram bots and even more bots aggregators on .NET and realize how they subscribes and aggregates messages from multiple channels.
Our bots must can:
Wrapping `HttpRequestMessage` in `using` block causes it to call `.Dispose()` on underlying `Content` object
> [21:30:53 ERROR]: [org.telegram.telegrambots.updatesreceivers.DefaultBotSession] ResponseData{body='{"siteId":"*","billId":"*","amount":{"currency":"RUB","value":"1.00"},"status":{"value":"WAITING",…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
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