For my specific data engineering application, having a fast Fast Fourier Transform algorithm would be great to have. However, there are many applications that could benefit from FFT, like audio analys…
Version: 2.0.0
Commit: d93570433fdf57716d2a5410c9e30421486c66a0
I am developing an Electra-One preset and associated [VCVRack plugin](https://github.com/rjsmith/rsbatech-modules) to control VCVRack patches from the Electra-One. Inspired by your E-1 Bitwig pre…
Deleted: superseded by version below.
Love the new module. Thanks for this.
Rack crashes if you edit (empty) the Text field while the the clock is running. Other than that, builds (I'm on Mac 10.15.7) and runs great!
Hi, tagging @Lucarda and @sebshader here. I asked Lucas to test keycode --> https://github.com/porres/pd-else/blob/master/Classes/Source/keycode.c newly added here.
In order to compile ELSE now you…
Hi, I'm using VCV 2.5.2 and TRANSIT and T+ version 2.04 beta4
I'm binding TRANSIT to SEQ 3. Everything is working except the step triggers that most of the times arent saved (or recalled when I chang…
I am a new user of the amazeing S&C firmware.
I have noticed that FV1emu button at the flasher screen.
I was searching your project page and forum but faild to find an answer how to use that …
BPO | [34309](https://bugs.python.org/issue34309)
--- | :---
Nosy | @ncoghlan, @scoder, @vstinner, @encukou, @ericsnowcurrently, @cschramm, @corona10, @shakfu
*Note: these values reflect the state of…