Bonjour Papo,
Auriez vous une idée svp pour remplacer les prévisions darksky sous domoticz depuis le rachat par Apple ça ne fonctionne plus. j'ai chercher sur le net mais je ne trouve rien. si vo…
I have did a sucessfull POC by using your GIT example for GET method can you please provide the GITHUB example for PSOT method aslo . I am trying to modify my PACT BASE CONSUMER CLASS ac…
as discussed on https://community.home-assistant.io/t/weatherbit-io-current-weather-and-forecast-data/200224/118?u=mariusthvdb
Checking the api on api.weatherbit.io for my location a snow indication is available. please consider adding that to the sensors? Not sure if this is a binary value or not (showing '0') for my locatio…
wicked cool project! thank you so much for your on-going efforts to maintain this. It's *exactly* what I need!
I've fot an RPI 4B hooked up to an RPI Official 7" Touchscreen. I havve the s…
- Use Weatherbit to get global weather
Apple has acquired Dark Sky, and the Dark Sky API is no longer being made available to new users. This is a frustrating occurrence, because that means I have to rewrite Weather Meter yet again, and se…
Como la hora, estaría bien que el clima (lluvia y tormenta) sea el mismo que en la localización de servidor (Córdoba, España). Para esto es necesario tomar datos de alguna API disponible. Con esto deb…
in order to have an icon for every state that weather.io delivers i have to draw a bunch of new ones... yeaha :)