I'm trying to set up a network graph whose groups can expand or collapse on click, similar to [GerHobbelt's example](http://bl.ocks.org/GerHobbelt/3071239) for d3.
My example seems to run fine with s…
I've recently started a project that includes some functionality similar to the product Maltego, specifically that you start with seed entities on a graph and run transforms to dynamically gen…
I am using cola.js to prevent nodes from overlapping and also implementing a bounding box based on the method outline here:
Cola broke API compatibility for `cola.adaptor` which is needed to run the `cola` layout in Cytoscape.js. To fix this, a patch for Cola will be made via a pull request and the layout in Cy.js will be…
Are there any examples/ code of a network graph using Cola layout with clustering, i.e., multiple nodes connected to one node being clustered around it, without using D3.js ?
I am attempting to us…
Setting up a git-deps server on a clean ubuntu 15.04 system (in a docker image) results in 404 requests trying to get /node_modules/webcola/WebCola/cola.v3.min.js, although /node_modules/webcola/WebCo…
Can I display a shadow/ overlay effect of a specific shape on a node ?
I am using cytoscapeJS to generate small network graphs (of 50-100 nodes, majority of which are hidden when the graph is 1st gen…
Hi, is there a way to prevent edge overlap (in addition to node overlap which is achieved via `avoidOverlap: true`) while using the Cola layout ?
See the screenshot below. Some nodes are drawn beyond the SVG boundaries, and the group edges of the outer groups aren't even visible.
![schermafdruk van 2015-03-23 10 21 50](https://cloud.githubuser…
It looks like the relative stress information, `alpha`, has been overridden by the `lastStress` variable which holds the absolute stress information in the `Layout` class.