commit : master 7eacd8
OS : Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
haskell stack : 2.1.3 (df6d1f)
I built mm0-hs using the stack install instructions.
1 of 2:
running `mm0-hs verify peano.mm0 peano.mmu` returns…
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
1. Create a management cluster with clusterctl
1. Try to back it up using Velero
1. Backup fails because it can't find cert-manager-leaderelection (Ve…
formula-arrow-type ::= formula | (type | formula) '>' arrow-type
is actually
formula-arrow-type ::= formula | (type | formula) '>' formula-arrow-type
Because theorem a1i (ph ps: wff): $ ph $…
I'm thinking it would be useful to add a syntactically-not-free construct to set.mm/iset.mm.
As you know, it's very common in textbooks to make statements like "where x is not free in QQQ", where "…
**What steps did you take and what happened:**
[A clear and concise description on how to REPRODUCE the bug.]
I followed the quickstart instructions for deploying CAPA and noticed that the CAPA cont…
Alguna ayuda, no puedo generar los pdf
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: data://text/plain;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE…
The neural voice zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural used with mstts:express-as type="sentiment" in the SSML no longer works - it sounds almost identical to the newscast voice. I had raised this in a support issue a…
Update: Blocked by project system. M$FT is bringing classic projects to open in CPS.
in peano.mm0 (and peano_hex.mm0)
ch is a term
term ch: hex > hex > char;
but also a variable like in
axiom ax_2 (ph ps ch: wff): $ (ph -> ps -> ch) -> (ph -> ps) -> ph -> ch $;
Does this e…
German DIY store "OBI" is selling ESP8266-based sockets (very similar to Sonoff S20) for less than 10 EUR.
I got two of these sockets. It's quite easy to flash Tasmota on it but it was neccesary t…