The following code is not working in my machine with Julia 1.5.0, but working for 1.4.2 and 1.6.0-DEV.707 .
pkg> add Gridap#not_working_with_julia_1.5.0
julia> using Gridap
julia> writev…
By running the following code,
using BenchmarkTools, LazyWAVFiles, WAV
path = mktempdir()
y = sin.((0:99999999)/48000*2pi*440);
wavwrite(y, joinpath(path, "test1.wav"), Fs=48000)
ymtoo updated
4 years ago
I have add Stheno v0.3.2 in Julia 1.4.1 and typing `using Stheno` produces the following error:
julia> using Stheno
[ Info: Precompiling Stheno [8188c328-b5d6-583d-959b-9690869a5511]
MWE of poorly conditioned objective function
using Surrogates, Stheno, Distributions
d = Normal()
dat = rand(d, 300)
function test(x)
x = collect(x)
μ = x[1]
logsigma = x[2]…
After running `precompile` with the attached Project and Manifest, I get:
(@v1.6) pkg> precompile
Precompiling project...
◐ GeneralizedGenerated
◐ MathOptInterface
On my fast desktop, running `@time using OrdinaryDiffEq` takes 15 seconds.
A couple of versions ago, it used to start much more quickly. I manually checked the loading time in a clean environment, …
jebej updated
4 years ago
When I try to precompile DifferentialEquations.jl I get the following error:
"ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarERror: AbstractADType not defined
ERROR: LoadError: Faield to precom…
The following is an instance of type-piracy:
It was introduced by @K…
Thought I would open an umbrella issues for the things I plan to work in during GSoC 2016. You can find my introductory post over at julia-opt at the bottom, as well as the (by NumFOCUS) required blog…
I was wondering whether there is interest in someone (me?) implementing operations under which block-matrices are potentially closed (i.e. perhaps return another block-matrix), such as multiplication,…