def solution(s, n):
a = ''
# n이 존나 클때 대비
n = n%26
for i in s:
if ord(i)+n >= 123: # 소문자 싸이클 처리
a += chr(ord(i)-26+n)
First of all, thanks for making this - loved the website it replaced so I'm glad someone stepped in here.
But I can't seem to get search working today. Worked fine yesterday.
Typing for example …
Hello, I'm trying to download the dataset, but the file size is only 1.68KB. There may have something wrong with this repository. Would mind check the repository and submit the right dataset please?
We had a problem where caesar was configured with invalid credentials. It was throwing a rather cryptic error: `JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets!`
It turns out that …
Encoding ,decoding what's that?
A Caesar cipher is a simple method of encoding messages. Caesar ciphers use a substitution method where letters in the alphabet are shifted by some fixed number of spa…
We need better encryption algorithms with a way to choose which one you wish use in the PAK. Possibly also a way to change the algorithms after the PAK has been made.
It would be nice to be able to persist the layout of the docked panes (and even the undocked ones) so that that it can be recreated when restarting an application.