- [ ] determine what the fields in the trial-level mean, which ones to keep, how to document/rename them
- [ ] write a script to create a dataframe from a single FishFlanker file. apply to all existin…
While I was playing the game I noticed that the fish could go out of the game screen from the upper and right hand side. Is it a bug that the the fish goes out of the screen during game play ?
The fishes are spawning, but just as long as the first fish isn't collected. And all cloned Fish-Objects don't become counted when they are collected.
Fish movement should be dependent on the direction the fishes are facing
### Check for existing issues
- [X] Completed
### Describe the bug / provide steps to reproduce it
On recent Zed releases, rust-analyzer stopped working for me on macOS.
I've tried 0.152.4…
> The killring should probably just be a fish variable.
_Originally posted by @ridiculousfish in https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/issues/7445#issuecomment-1046139653_
This enables users …
Your browser does not support the video tag.video:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parth-io/alpha8/main/files/95b4d829-f05b-4abd-9581-672bc4c41334.mp4
on the start menu and a tab in the catalogue, create a setting menu with the following features:
- controls and aim of game (same as popup at start of game)
- sound volume slider(music,sound effec…
I've written a completions file that can be dropped into `~/.config/fish/completions/hexyl.fish`, or `/usr/share/fish/completions` or `/usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d` if @sharkdp wants to includ…
Dans le backoffice Fish, créer une vue liste des unités recevant des préavis.
[Ecran ici](https://xd.adobe.com/view/bb960410-7180-46fe-9ee5-3f7d155d99b4-eec5/).