### What happens?
There are a lot of complains that the stack trace is really long and doesn't help identify the error.
The solution would be to just print the error that sparkSQL provides.
:red_circle: **Title** : CSS-Only Animated Weather Dashboard
🔴 Aim : Adding a new project
🔴 Tech Stack Used : HTML, CSS
✅ To be Mentioned while taking the issue :
Full name : Shriya D
What …
# Axios - um cliente HTTP Full Stack | spacetraveling
### Description of problem
When I wanted to try CNB with `paketobuildpacks/builder-jammy-full` as a default stack for builder, on an empty, newly deployed `dokku` instance, I got an error:
``` ! …
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# undefined
# Axios - um cliente HTTP Full Stack | spacetraveling
# undefined