Java issue: Does not RUN a code that require User Input. The code will compile fine but will display Error: could not find or load main class after running through Geany. Maybe it's an issue with xt…
ghost updated
8 years ago
I'm working with CSV files currently. Mostly 10000+ rows.
geany 1.27 (kompiliert am 2016-04-17 mit GTK 2.24.30, GLib 2.48.0)
cat /etc/lsb-release
bch80 updated
7 years ago
Geany names some/all of its widgets for theming purposes, but the names are not documented.
1. Devuan GNU+Linux (Ascii)
2. Geany 1.33, built with GTK+ 3.x
1. Copy some text to clipboard
2. Double-click a word
3. Ctrl + V to paste the copied one
4. Repeat 2~3 sev…
Hello, when I try to write code and I reach the column 72, the code starts to get a black background:
![schermata 2017-10-15 alle 10 15 19](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32810723/31582969…
- Geany 1.36
- en_US.UTF-8
- GTK 3.24.23
- GLib 2.64.6
Copying and pasting these four characters crashes Geany 1.36 consistently:
gtk 2.24.30 geany 1.32 ubuntu 16.04 .config/geany/geany.conf 3 lines modified:
from to
editor_font=Monospace 10 14
tagbar_font=Sans 9 …
Vou usar, e aconselho-te a usares também, um debugger que encontrei para c.
basicamente é uma interface para o gdb. pics: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/all.png
acho que essa chega para gostares des…
I'm trying Geany 2.0 so see if I can find anything that might needs fixing.
If I right click in the Notes tab in the Message window and select insert emoji there is a flag section.
But there are n…
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Open Geany 1.35
2. Main menu > Project > Recent Projects > any project with some files
3. Logout your linux session (I did it by accident, but still)
4. Login back in li…