Author Name: **Richard Duivenvoorde** (@rduivenvoorde)
Original Redmine Issue: [16453](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/16453)
Affected QGIS version: 2.18.5
Redmine category:metasearch_catalogue_client
Running `mvn install` on a new machine results in
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project ets-cat30: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.opengis.cite:ets-cat30:jar:1.3-SNAPSHOT: …
Author Name: **Stephen Eastmead** (@spe-ny)
Original Redmine Issue: [11508](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/11508)
Affected QGIS version: 2.4.0
Redmine category:grass
When I try to import into GR…
I am a graduate student in geomatics at the University of Florida and I have just begun development of a Python3 driver for the Mid-40 sensor. I am using a Mac computer and hence don't have …
Working in `theme-based` branch of https://github.com/strogonoff/www.isotc211.org, will PR shortly.
Right now the specification states that the min and max are 'anytype' when in reality they should be `double` precision floats. This would align with most popular implementations of ExtraByte definiti…
Hi everyone,
I'm new to MATLAB and MatConvNet.
When I tried to follow the instructions on the website of MatConvNet to do the basic compiling(which is the CPU version), no matter I compiled in MATLAB …
[2] pry(main)> db = Relaton::Db.new("./relaton-cache", nil)
[relaton] Info: detecting backends:
=> # x = db.fetch("ISO 19133:2005")
fetching ISO 19133:2005...
WARNING: no match found…
Author Name: **carluti -** (carluti -)
Original Redmine Issue: [503](https://issues.qgis.org/issues/503)
Redmine category:gui
Assignee: nobody -
All messages in menu bars, windows, etc. seem to …
from the `osmf-talk` list
> Just want to mention that the Electronic map service, Tianditu, operated by National Geomatics Center of China, also uses OpenStreetMap like the way Baidu maps do.