Here is my vimrc file
``` bash
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim…
I have vim compiled with the option --with-python. Now you check the available version with has("python2") but this does not return true, even my version vim was compiled with is 2.7.10. I tried it wi…
NOTE: I am using latest neovim instead of vim.
When trying to start the server I get this error:
:call javacomplete#StartServer() :
!mvn -f "/home/ryujin/.vim/bundle/vim-javacomplete2/libs/javav…
Thanks for the awesome work so far - I am really enjoying this plugin. I was wondering if you have considered supporting [Neovim](https://github.com/neovim/neovim)? Currently when I try and us…
Running into this error when starting omnicompletion:
name: "public" of token type PUBLIC
Error detected while processing function javacomplete#Complete..95_CompleteAfterDot..95_GetDeclaredClassN…
Either I get no suggestions or suggestions that have nothing to do with the object. For example when typing "a" one expects something like "add()" but instead I get all of these suggestions. Add was n…
ghost updated
9 years ago
Currently, $CLASSPATH is too long. On my environment, it's over limit of length of CLASSPATH.
`~/.m2/repository` is needed? `$JAVA_HOME/lib` is needed?
I'm thinking it is enough to add jars which is d…
mattn updated
9 years ago
When start completion with `` on `System.o`.
Only off_t is displayed.
mattn updated
9 years ago
Upon starting the daemon I get an infinite spam of: "could not complete at point: {0}" message.
To check the cause I have changed line 102 in JavaComplete.java to "e.printStackTrace()" and I am getti…
ghost updated
9 years ago
As you seems to have a long standing fork of the javacomplete plugin, I would like to know if you plan to merge the different other forks (I mean check if they don't have interesting fix that w…