- [x] Individual TPT... Test review, Create Task (CB plan and activity), Knowledge of dialog, ability to converse on topics in videos by start of Tuesday.
- [x] Team Runtime review. Your team projec…
nicm2 updated
2 years ago
I am trying to pull and run the DFKI UI from branch 'dfki' of https://github.com/mcq-dev/e-mission-phone with the devapp, but I can't get it to work correctly.
Here's what I find from the testing.
Some basic guidelines:
`Homepage for users who have not logged in`:
- Set up correct routing to respective pages in the NavBar (`home`, `login`, `signup`)
- Check and redirect users who have not …
Issue title: `[backend] Unit name`
#[relates1] #[relates1]
[Unit name]
### Acceptance Criteria
- crit1
- crit2
- ..
- ..
### crit1
[Full Description ]
### crit2
[Full Description…
I only got the correct answer for one of the MCQ flashcards after the time is up, but this correct stats was still recorded into the overall stats for that deck.
[original: nus-cs2103-AY1920S1/p…
## Total Score: 4.5/4.5 (Graded by Brian T.)
### AP Testing Part 2
- [Create Task Crossover Review](https://github.com/AkhilNandhakumar/Guython/issues/47)
- [Quiz 3 MC Corrections and Reflection]…
## Individual
### MCQ (.6)
### Questions answered and interesting work in Hashmaps, Parallel Computing, or Space/Time Analysis. This can be related to project (.6)
## Pair/Trio
### Project Work…
Refactor [tasks.ts](https://github.com/MajeedKazemi/code-rails/blob/main/packages/server/tasks/tasks.ts)
Team Section.
Scrum Master and Technical Officer
PBL Highlights.
Design Manager tangibles
Front End Feature Screen
Front End Screen 2:
Front End Screen 3:
Scrum Master tangibles…