Steam closes all the time, you need to try several times to get it open.
Tested with main branch and steam_chrome.
cantalupo@orangepi5:~$ steam
I burned [ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-OrangePi5-20230912_021419-rkloader-5_sata.img.gz](https://github.com/7Ji/orangepi5-archlinuxarm/releases/download/nightly/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-OrangePi5-20230912_021419-…
Hello, I have a problem with running Scylla 5.1.8 on Orange Pi 5 (Ubuntu 22.04). After running `scylla --version` I'm only getting:
root@orangepi5:~$ scylla --version
I digged a…
So looking over the shells script its apparent the CPU info only handles for intel,amd cpu's. Both Powershell and Ubuntu have arm variants and multiple miner options that we already use in RBM just ar…
Hi all,
I've faced with the issue that if I try to run PWM program in python first it shows a permission error.
After fixing it with the following `/etc/udev/rules.d/50-pwm.rules` file:
Cursor is disappearing after turning off & turning on the monitor. Problem is exists on RK3588 and RK3588S, looks like general problem.
### Discussed in https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/discussions/148
Originally posted by **mrbishi** May 19, 2023
Thanks for the new build Joshua, getting the following on booting …
I guess there is a considerable number of users that use Rockchip hardware. The rk3588 seems to be widely used and the new [Home Assistant Green](https://www.home-assistant.io/green/) uses a rk3566.
Is there any prediction of when the driver for the Orange Pi 5 will be available?
I thought the Orange Pi 5 was great and would like to use it with Dotnet IoT :(.