The **big change** in this ticket is to use `yield` in iterators instead of first building a list and then returning an iterator over that list. This should speed up methods using these iterators.
(1) Currently, there are functions named "automorphisms" and "automorphism_group". To me it seems that the return types and naming convention are not uniform.
Please check.
(2) We need automorphism…
I have updated my m2 version to 1.20.
There are some packages such as ResidualIntersections, SimplicialComplexes, EdgeIdeals, that whenever I load them, M2 goes inside them. This does not happe…
Polyhedra can be defined in different rings, and this method allows to transform between rings (compare to the similar feature for matrices).
- Once done, add it to tutorial
CC: @mkoeppe @j…
This is to upgrade to Python 3.8.x.
- [PEP569 -- Python 3.8 Release Schedule](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0569/)
- [What's new in Python 3.8](https://docs.python.org/3.8/whatsnew/3.8.html)
In this ticket, we equip the category of chain complexes with a method `homology` yielding the associated homology. The corresponding homology functor will use this method.
This happens in view of …
The patch contains an implementation of the cluster complex for finite types.
sage: ClusterComplex(['A',3])
Cluster complex of type ['A', 3] with 9 vertices and 14 facets
The implementatio…
to work around an upstream Python bug https://bugs.python.org/issue30537
Upstream: **Fixed upstream, but not in a stable release.**
CC: @dimpase @embray @tscrim @jdemeyer
Component: **python3**
For very large and challenging computations, most of the elements of the face lattice contain rather few atoms/bits. With little changes to the code, we can just collect the non zero chunks (64,128 …
using the short syntax `super()`
CC: @tscrim @kwankyu @slel
Component: **refactoring**
Author: **Frédéric Chapoton**
Branch/Commit: **[`3c729e3`](https://github.com/sagemath/sagetrac-mirror/com…