Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Support for syntax highlighting of several languages used for Bayesian
statistical models: BUGS, JAGS, and Stan. Stan is hosted on on googlecode,
The most recen…
Hello there,
When I try to run soil_incubation.stan with the example data from the SoilR package (https://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/case-studies/soil-knit.html), I get the following error:
[`write_iteration_csv(...)`](https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/blob/develop/src/stan/services/io/write_iteration_csv.hpp) currently requires specifying the log probability `lp`. This is unneeded for va…
#### Summary:
In do_bfgs_optimize, the return code is still positive even if the algorithm stops because it reaches max iterations. That leads stan to return `stan::servicse::error_codes::OK` even t…