(mainly parking a reference for an old idea)
variance and covariance estimates are not very good in small or very small samples.
One idea is to use penalized or shrinkage (co)variance to get bette…
As a user, I want to be able to assign arbitrary data properties to my bandit jobs using python dot notation.
for example, i might want to record statistical performance metrics for a model like th…
Encoding metadata in chapter 10, describes that a dataset should have meta data on the dataset using geodcat. However, we have a cadastral dataset which contains mutations on resource level The histor…
When ModelicaRandom.c was introduced with the Noise package for MSL v3.2.2 the **xorshift** PRNGs from http://xoshiro.di.unimi.it/xorshift.php were utilized. These PRNGs are now superseded by **xoshir…
Show lists:
`DefaultUtilityOptimizer.useCapacity()` is invoked in each timeslot to compute consumption. For `INDIVIDUAL` models like Frosty Storage that include multiple individuals, capacity is computed per-subs…
As a user, I want to be able to upload various types of geospatial data sources (such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, WFS, and CSV) to a PostgreSQL database. I also want to discover statistics and perform anal…
np.random.RandomState is not a good choice for random number generation [going forward](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/legacy.html#numpy.random.RandomState):
> RandomState is effecti…
In discussions being had within the ML work group around "model cards" we ack. that the in-progress CycloneDX schema to describe ML models has, at best ad-hoc standards to draw common data from. Spec…