**What you did:**
We have a hierarchy of templates.
1. In side the top-template (in our case `webform.html.twig`) we call the child template with an include like this `{% include "@atoms/02-text…
Hey @JPeer264,
Do you have any plans for adding [twig](https://twig.symfony.com/) templates support. It's basically plain HTML, but with "mustache" syntax. Not sure that it's easily possible. So, j…
The `Twig_Node_Expression_ExtensionReference` class is deprecated since version 1.23 and will be removed in 2.0.
There's no replacement defined in http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/deprecated.html so a …
I'm using Symfony 3.x as json-api without need for twig at all.
After installing this bundle i see error `Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoun…
It would be great to have a Twig filter to make it easy to do this:
{% for item in list %}
{{ loop.index|roman }}{{ item }}
{% endfor %}
The readme says that it will back online probably mid-June. We are already in September.
Will this tool come back online ?
It was very handy to have this website available when trying to reproduce…
stof updated
13 hours ago
Updating the meta in the comment.html.twig to match the node.html.twig. Currently the comment meta data looks like:
We could also update the node_meta to display the display name instead of th…
### Describe the bug
When I try to import a macro template in one of my comment templates I get an "Unable to find the template" error.
For example when I do '{% import '_macros/userInfo' as macro…
### Description of the bug
I just got hit by a very strange issue.
When running syntax tests after having added a new test cases to _CSS/syntax_test_css.css_, syntax test output displayed errors i…