# 트리 스타일 탭(Tree Style Tab): 파이어폭스의 수직 탭 확장 | 44BITS 기술 블로그
트리 스타일 탭(Tree Style Tab)은 파이어폭스의 탭 목록을 사이드바에 수직으로 보여주는 확장 기능입니다. 많은 탭을 열어놓으면 웹 브라우저를 관리하기가 힘들어지는데, 트리 스타일 탭을 사용하면 좀 더 편리하게 관리할 수 있습니다. 이 글에서…
### Captchas
- [X] I have read the instructions.
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### What happened?
If you toggle those options and you had already had a userChrome.css or userContent.css file, you will loose it. The addon should probably only edit these files to add it's CSS rules, and make a backu…
There is an option to emphasize unread tabs which then shows the unread tabs with italics. Would it be easy for you to modify this so that it shows italic and **red font**?
(I am using the legacy …
What about to increase width of zoom bar and add inline tip?
ghost updated
6 years ago
If there to many tabs open (and it is more than in the top-bar have place), than it is not possible under windows to drag the friefox-window with the mouse.
Think this is why on top right there is th…
SidebarModoki is duplicated when opening a new window.
ghost updated
5 years ago
I'm not using MF, but found some screenshots which shows that search bar in MF are rounded/circled. So, how can I do it? What css do I need for userChrome.css?
The Firefox Monterey theme looks absolutely amazing. Wondering if there's a way to create a userChrome.css with the 'layout' of Monterey (ie. tabs and address bar all on top) but leave the theming…
I really prefer having search suggestions enabled, and though the theme is great (thanks! its really nice), I went through a good time searching how could I style them somewhat decently. I finally end…