When I run the **essentia** `configure` command:
./waf configure --build-static --with-python --with-cpptests --with-examples --with-vamp --with-gaia --with-tensorflow --mode=debug
I get the…
* [x] Instalar las librerías y recursos necesarios
* [x] Extraer las características de cada audio con las librerías encontradas para DL
Extraer características de los audios mediante técnicas de Deep Learning
Can you provide an example of how to load a raw audio file and using vggish as feature extractor in pytorch?
cryax updated
5 years ago
This is not an issue but a Question.
Did you thing of or try applying VGGish features for training and prediction? Being a pretrained model, I think it may be more accurate. Whats your view on…
ghost updated
5 years ago
As the tensorflow code uses numpy to PCA the output embeddings, it is not possible to take advantage of this when adding torch-vggish to other networks (the usecase for this is relatively small). It w…
Buscar librerías de Deep Learning para la extracción de características significativas para audios para su posterior clasificación.
Realización de las pruebas unitarias de las clases cargadoras de datos y fachadaPrediccion.
Me he dado cuenta al intentar ejecutar la demo en un nuevo entorno virtual python. Me faltaban los módulos `ttkthemes`, `mutagen` `resampy`, `soundfile`, `tensorflow`, `pygame`, `keras` y `matplotlib`…
Hi, I run the vggish.py and got the ModuleNotFoundError like this:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sound'
and I did not find where is the sound module.
Did I miss something?