This line in the autoload block needs removing:
Proč omezujete hloubku menu? Možná to není obvyklé, ale na našem webu jsem musel hodnotu ručně zvednout, navíc je to takové poměrně "magic", když si pohrajete s menu a ono v něm z čista jasna chybí po…
I've decided to move to the navwalker bootsrap menu on my wordpress site, and started testing the new menu on my development site rather than directly on the live site. Once done I'v copied everything…
Removing the Plugin Megamenu falls back to the default theme, however, I had inadvertently removed some of the core files that generate the Bootstrap classes that enable the dropdown to work.
From w…
As you can see, I have made two commits, the homepage template issue was pushed into the Master. Which, I think is not good practice.
My second commit to resolve the issue with the Bootstrap dropdown …
How can i make the parant clickable? now the parent has the link # and when in mobile every thing should be expanded so i can see parents children and be able to click parent in mobile?
is that possi…
I started a new project with you wp-bootstrap-navwalker class, thank you. For all the menu items is it working except 1.
I am using the following setup:
`````` ```
It appears to work great except when I get to below 768px then no icon appears to toggle the menu.
Helllo friend :smile:
Would you consider using this class?
> This script included the ability to add Bootstrap…
Hello, I am using this tool and i want to add a search bar into the navigation.
how do i possible add the search bar into it?