Attempting to style a gradient background using the code below renders a solid black background.
``` swift
let colors:[UIColor] = [
UIColor(red: 0/255, green: 118/255, blue: 162/255, alpha: 1.0),
Is there a specific reason why the initialisers for string and NSURL both encode the input as latin1 instead of UTF-8?
public init?(_ string: String) {
if let data = string.dataUsingEncod…
I am trying to train the network by using [Monofont](http://www.fontsupply.com/fonts/M/Monofont.html) I waited around 10 minutes and I still see FFNN console output. Is it normal? Here is the log from…
Button graphic are not display correctly in the OSX 10.11 beta
First of all, I would like to say, I didn't find GPUImage as good library for image processing, even if it's built on OpenGL.
I found people compared GPUImage with CIFilters, saying it is 40 times f…
I tried to run the example on my iOS7.1 iPhone5 and got the following error on start:
Video started.
Features: []
2015-04-16 13:39:00.946 FaceDetection[2445:1803] +[CIFilter filterWithName:withI…
I just ran https://github.com/Realm/jazzy on the C4iOS project, and it listed documentation at only 59%. Here's the `undocumented.txt` it generated.
public class C4Line: C4Polygo…
I received this error when i try to install this library with cathage.
In cartfile:
github "aschuch/QRCode"
**\* Building scheme "QRCode" in Example.xcodeproj
The followi…
I maybe found a memory leak in the current implementation of decoding the images. It's clearly visible when you try to decode big images (2000x1000 px). The CG raster data in VM memory size is really …
1. open a movie
2. set in the Video Tuner
3. sometimes playback will be.. not fluent, but wait for a while, it will be
OK sometimes.
What is going insider openglLayer's filters? I may need to do…