'Curriculum Vitae' is misspelled on the intro page.
Google Doc embedding and PDF embedding are being removed (currently non-functional). Write a script to convert embed shortcodes to links.
## Description of bug / unexpected behavior
I am trying to create a video to showcase a simple linear transformation using the `LinearTransformationScene` class but it fails. I debugged a lot and h…
Можна зробити резюме менш формальним, додавши додаткові блоки, які містять корисну інформацію, але подають її в "розважальній" формі. Наприклад, що подобається і не подобається, сильні і слабкі сторон…
肯定是分的清楚的呀~ 个人主页有:http://zilimeng.info
Hey all, I can't this to work no matter how I try it :(. It just eats my transclusion header when I activate or deactivate the mode. I am probably doing something wrong, but I can't understand what's …
gluax updated
3 years ago
The .docx format is somewhat glitchy.
In CoherenceBot V0, we wrote all documents (including HTML) to ElasticSearch and then proceeded to select certain PDFs for publishing using ES queries developed by Carolina.
This task is to migrate…
## はじめに
2020年 12月 を振り返ってみます。
- https://github.com/jiyuujin/Curriculum-Vitae/pull/30