title Scores History
section 849dd002c1a3dd726ddfdc22b1edd15feafbd7cd
message: 2: luzmagurzua
vulnerability: 4: luzmagurzua
section 5b30f97b02b19697d53e2953d2c0a9c04d93cc2b
**Describe the Bug**
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./
Vi må bli enige om hvordan vi skal kode på best mulig måte for å kunne sammarbeide godt.
After updating to version 4c9380c, I get the following error.
(this is working with colab).
[-] ADetailer initialized. version: 24.8.0, num models: 14
*** Error…
# 请你谈谈控制反转?
Create few points and link them by lines. Once you select some lines, if any two of them have intersection, the graph will move strangely. The standard should be the case that no matter how many lines…
## 设计模式有三类:创建型、结构型、行为型
### 创建型:提供尽可能灵活性和可靠性
- singleton单例模式:只有一个实例,提供一个全局访问点
- factory method工厂方法模式:
- abstract factory抽象工厂模式:
- builder建造者模式:
- prototype原型模式:
### 结构型模式:类和对象组合,形成更大结构
- a…
- 2T方法注入:(1)、静态 (2)、非静态
- 构造注入: coustructor arg 参数,三种表达方式:1、name,2、index ,3、type
- 其他注入:集合数组[ ],List,Set ``
Map key value `` Map自成一家
properties ``
Hi Rob,
You are probably not looking for commentary on this but apparently I follow you and this popped up on my github recs... so here we go based on my experience:
I understand and agree multi…
# Prisma with dependency injection
I found a way to use prism with tsyringe and using repository pattern:
## 1. configuring the prism with tsyringe:
### Create a new folder inside the ./src