### Describe your issue as much as you can
This is not an issue but more of an advise.
Has any anyone upgrade moodle running on bitnami ec instance to IOMAD before?
If yes, can you please share so…
Hi Mike,
Hope you're doing well. I was just wondering if it's possible to get extra credit if I restrict new users from creating an account whose username is purely numerical (ex. new users cannot…
Hi @mikeizbicki
Would it be potential extra credit if we formatted the "date_created" insert in a way that makes sense? That is, not inserting superfluous decimal points that don't add anything.
# TypeScript에서 Redux, Redux Saga 아름답게 개발하기 · Vallista
Vallista의 블로그
![Uploading IMG_20240905_134109.jpg…]()
The elasticache job discovery is not working correctly because its dimensions are not in the labels output.
Moreover there is no ec_info metric
version : v0.26.3-alpha
halo2-ecc/src/ecc/mod.rs helper `ec_double` helper only work for secp256k1 , not work for p256, need to be updated as following:
if current point is P (x, y)
lambda = (3* x ^2 + a) / 2y (m…
# [프로그래머스/Swift] 명예의 전당 - limlogging Devlog
[프로그래머스/Swift] 명예의 전당
# SK네트웍스 Family AI 캠프 1기 6주차 회고 | Jh-jaehyuk
SK Networks AI Camp