Why focal_loss and mean_iou are always zero when the training progress is going on? I didn't change the model, I used pascalvoc2012 for training
I read the code on branch argoverse2, could you help me answer some questions about the code?
1. dataset_argoverse.py L501 , the code should be like in the following?
Test Focal Loss:
Label distribution:
0 - 410
1 - 3090
2 - 4037
3 - 3259
4 - 4197
What is the best loss function for multi-class accuracy evaluation metric?
The following should be explored:
1. Categorical binary cross entropy
2. Focal Loss (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pd…
# Context
Use this a place to gather all the plots and images we have.
# Images to Predict on
use lib assign_box_cuda
use lib sigmoid_focal_loss_cuda
use lib nms_cuda
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
调试后定位到net = net.cuda(cfg['device'][0])
您好,目前我的研究需要重新訓練出DML+在cifar100的結果,但是使用你們的code並使用Focal loss及Center loss訓練wide resnet後test的結果與你們提供的ckpt test結果相差甚遠,可以請問你們是怎麼訓練出你們提供的weight的嗎?
The original focal loss paper initialize the bias on the final sigmoid conv layer like so:
`init = tf.constant_initializer([-np.log(0.99/0.01)])`
so that negative examples will start training wi…