fva.AsMtx() doesn't give a matrix object
model.GetSol() doesn't give a flux object (only an empty dictionary) when there is no solution
Thanks for providing good tool.
I encountered some problems with using fn_fuzzy in ida pro 7.4.
I tried to fix it but fail.
In the beginning, I change some function names because IDA changes so…
#### Problem description
The FastCC method implemented right now is missing some parts. It only implements LP-7 from the paper but does not perform the flipping and the additional iterations to inc…
#### Problem description
I'm trying to run FVA:
from cobra.flux_analysis import flux_variability_analysis
flux_variability_analysis(HMR2model, HMR2model.reactions[:10])
But I get the err…
**To Reproduce**
It only happens while unbonding/redelating period is passed.
The query outputs of "stake redelegation" and "stake unbonding-delegation" are inconsistent.
we Need a new Publisher in table 37 to execute individual checks in CopyFromItem:
LOCAL CopyFromItem()
Item.TESTFIELD("Gen. Prod. Posting Group");
we Need an additional Event in InitQtyToInvoice before the invoice Discounts will be calculated. The existing one OnAfterInitQtyToInvoice cannot be used because we Need to set field values which affec…
Please create a new Publisher Event in table 246
Quantity - OnValidate()
"Quantity (Base)" := CalcBaseQty(Quantity);
IF Type = Type::Item THEN BEGIN
#### Problem description
fva question!
I'm really first time to use cobrapy and python.
While I'm trying to do fva, there is problem with invalid argument and " ImportError: No module named "
I …
Hi, I need to run the model fresh every time in a loop as I am giving different constraints. I do not want to load the model inside the loop since it would take a long time to execute. Is there a meth…