`@ClientCacheApplication` overrides my logger settings. None of my log4j information is carried since I have declared this.
In my application, I don't need client cache either. Is there a way to…
As [described in Spring Boot's documentation](http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/#using-boot-starter) we prefer to keep the `spring-boot-*` naming for modules that are…
We received an exception on a running application (i.e. no deployment or restart in between). It seems like somehow the PCC binding got messed up or dropped. After restarting the server it got fixed. …
As a developer, I'd want to release Einstein.SR1 with the following fixes/improvements.
- [x] Add v2.1.x release of Spring Cloud Services Config Client to "Core"
- [x] Handle string payloads in `rout…
http://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/96/geode/managing/logging/configuring_log4j2.html As per this article geode jar is overriding the custom logger jar. We have our micro-service deployed in the Piv…
I just installed snappy and wanted to run it on a single virtual machine. However, it gave:
huanyi@snappy1:~/snappydata-$ ./sbin/snappy-start-all.sh
Logs generated in /home/huanyi/…
It would be really helpful if can you provide some links on details of LOCAL_LOAD_CREATE in gemfire.
Error Log Below :
2019-01-24T09:05:55.87-0500 [CELL/0] OUT Cell e750e5e7-b64b-4303-90fb-87b993b1e102 successfully created container for instance 1a3d5c8f-cbca-4ca8-769f-46d0
In a nutshell, when the `org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-services-starter-service-registry` dependency is added to the CLASSPATH of a _Spring Boot_, Pivotal GemFire `ClientCache` application de…