Could you please provide a sample of how to use this with Ionic 3.
如果你只使用样式不使用组件的话,那就不用写`var app = angular.module("wsscat",["ionic"])`,相反用组件就一定要加上去
## ion-content
我的第一个 …
Me gustaría que publicaran un breve tutorial de como instalar datatables en ionic 3. Llevo algunos días intentando, me funcionó y luego ya no... Por favor somos muchos los que lo necesitamos. Saludos
Hola estoy tratando de implementar un formulario tipo wizard que permita ser mas intuitivo al momento de registrase un usuario, actualmente estoy usando los Sliders que tiene ionic agregando etiquetas…
In ionic 4 version it doesn't work.
Hi, thank you for making this rating component.
I'm using ionic v5 and I just installed using command but error appear at the time of using import in parent component.
#### Reproduction
Hi guys. I use ionic 4 and integrated angular material into my projects. Everything work perfectly but when I want to create the custom select component with search input I seem t…
I'm trying to use ng-canvas-gauges in my Ionic 5 (capacitor) test blank page. Installed using `npm install ng-canvas-gauges`
Importing the module in `app.module.ts` gives me:
It may be util to have this template for ionic v2.
I have a problem with the masks using IONIC 3, they are not auto completing in the device, only in the web version.