Do we want to make sure to use 76X pu jet-id ?
The colon after the title should only be there if there is no question mark (or similar) at the end of the title. Would that be possible?
baem2 updated
8 years ago
thank you very much for that package! It makes life easier if one has to cite after SBL's conventions!
I do have one problem, though: The comma after the title comes after the quotation marks f…
baem2 updated
8 years ago
from here https://github.com/UHH2/UHH2/blob/master/core/python/ntuplewriter.py#L338 it seems we are not. (is that done inside 'AddJetCollection' by any chance?)
PS this may be marginal because we re-…
Studying the QCD fake-MET problem, I've spotted the following issue.
In event 42954575 of QCD_HT500to700 (lumi=14849),
the leading gen jet (pt=278 GeV) is reconstructed very badly as a DiscardedJet w…
Currently it is
JetAna.dataGT = "Summer15_50nsV4_DATA"
there should exist V5 for 25 ns and correspondent for MC!
In the ttH reference analysis we found that we seem to be using old JEC/JER.
## JEC
We seem to be still using the Phys14 JECs: https://github.com/vhbb/cmssw/blob/vhbbHeppy74X/VHbbAnalysis/Heppy/test/…
jpata updated
9 years ago
A new branch has been created (CMSSW_7_4_X_V8) to get a recipe for miniAODv2 ('05Oct' data + PromptReco-v4 + miniAODv2 MC samples).
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
what do u think? show the cpu temp
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
windows 8 consumer preview