Both RVK and DDC support compound concepts. Concept Details should contain a tab to display which components a compound concept is build from. See https://coli-conc.gbv.de/coli-ana/ for a draft. This …
**NOTE: I've rewritten the entire issue because I've found a way to reproduce my issue on a very small dataset.**
I've noticed that I'm missing search results depending on the order of fields that …
Details about an element of a analysis are shown on mouse over with [ConceptDetails](https://github.com/gbv/coli-ana/blob/dev/src/components/ConceptDetails.vue) but this information can likely be over…
To return the list of supported concept schemes (only DDC by now). This can be a static JSON file until other facetted concept schemes are supported (ILC2, UDC...).
[DDC add table numbers](https://ddc.typepad.com/025431/2018/04/understanding-add-table-notation-in-webdewey.html) are special classes used for number-building only. Example:
T1--0901-0905:07 Museen…
Given a class such as `T1--09044` return all known build numbers that make use of this class (e.g. `700.90440747471`). This might become large result sets and requires a proper database index. Maybe d…
Possible with [PicaEditor](https://pro4bib.github.io/pica/#/verarbeitung?id=picaeditor) or prism but it makes more sense to first discuss how results of coli-ana should become part of the K10plus cata…
jskos has 4 "universal" props:
- startDate: date of birth, creation, or estabishment of the item
- endDate: date of death or dissolution of the item
- startPlace: where a concept started (e.g. plac…
Use of API endpoint would be easier if the database contained API type (Skosmos, JSKOS-Server, Reconciliation API...), better change the data model?
There are some issues with our version of DDC German (in https://coli-conc.gbv.de/api/) and our tools that need to be addressed before coli-ana can work properly:
- [ ] We need to get an updated ve…