In certain cases, given open connection with a transaction, and multiple asynchronous dbcommands executed against it, - some command will undeterministically fail with 'A command is already in progres…
I have set Experimental flags 'message_muted_on_slave' to 'mute',but it still receive slave channel muted message.
My ETM config:
# You are required to fill the option below,
# or this channel…
I was thinking about how to go about the issue of specifying requests. In my experience as a recent user, creating them by hand is really complicated because of the many options, unmemorable names of …
Issues are for bugs in syzkaller itself, for everything else please contact syzkaller@googlegroups.com mailing list.
Before filing an issue please check the existing issues and the mailing list (ht…
I rune muse 2.1.2-3, on Debian stretch. https://packages.debian.org/en/stretch/muse
When I start muse I get a message about the timer that is 250Hz while it must be 500Hz.
Muse fallba…
Hi all,
I am following the steps described in https://libvirt.org/kbase/launch_security_sev.html to enable SEV in the kernel of my AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 2400G (with Ubuntu 18.10). However, for some reas…
android端 手机只连接WIFI,手动断WIFI后,发送消息几条消息,再手动恢复WIFI,可以自动连接服务器,但刚才发送的消息很大概率会等到超时失败,而不是继续发送成功,对比微信可以在恢复WIFI后自动发送成功
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#108276](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=108276) (status was 'open')
Searchable as RT108276$
p5pRT updated
4 years ago
Hello @KaiyangZhou , thank you for make this project.
I try to running test on prid 2011 dataset using ResNet50m pretrained model you give, but got error
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't …