m: my \start = 1; 1 ?? start !! 0
rakudo-moar 404f30217: OUTPUT: «===SORRY!===Cannot find method 'ann' on object of type NQPMu»
Took me a while to track this down. I normally build Rakudo, but NQP builds started failing sometime between Rakudo commits ee9314d (OK) and 980f692 (FAIL).
I further tracked this down rolling back…
Take a look at this script:
use experimental :cached;
sub identity($n) is cached { $n } # Not my actual code
This crashes with:
## The Problem
Originally, I had a script called [gst-inspect.pl6](https://github.com/Xliff/p6-GStreamer/blob/gst-inspect/bin/gst-inspect.pl6) in a project I am currently working on. It has bee…
Xliff updated
1 month ago
Output from Panda:
==> Installing OpenSSL from a local directory '.'
==> Fetching OpenSSL
==> Building OpenSSL
==> Testing OpenSSL
t/01-basic.t ........... ok
t/02-socket.t .......... ok
Xliff updated
7 years ago
To complete contracts in MSS for recovering experiments you need to fool the Kerbalism, so it doesn't interfere with the experiment after clicking "finalize experiment". If you allow Kerbalism to regi…
It appears that a module containing:
BEGIN Q/use experimental :pack/.EVAL
can **NOT** be precompiled or is precompiled incorrectly. Note that taking away the `:pack` from the above …
Haven't run the code and just spotted this while reviewing some ecosystem code.
The `{$++}"` on this line needs to be changed to `$($++)"` or to `" ~ $++`: https://github.com/spitsh/spitsh/blob/9bf…
## The Problem
.nqp src/how/NQPModuleHOW.nqp src/how/EXPORTHOW.nqp > gen/moar/stage1/nqpmo.nqp
/home/sean/bin/rakudo/install/bin/moar --libpath=src/vm/moar/stage0 src/vm/moar/st…
Is there someway of doing something like this?
raku -MJSON::Class -e '
class TestObject does JSON::Class {
has Str $.string;
constant TestObjects = (Array[TestObject] but JSON::C…